Danna Garcia Velazquez

Futbol is life! NBAHS senior Danna Garcia Velazquez has been given the incredible opportunity to play professional soccer in Mexico, starting in January. She will be playing for the Atletico de San Luis sub19 team. Danna was asked to explain a little more about this opportunity and this is what she had to say:

"It was a long process of tryouts and about 45 selected girls fighting for a spot on the team. I got chosen with a few other girls to practice for the team for a week so we could compete for an official spot with the girls already on the team. Later on I got told that I made the Atletico De San Luis u19 team. They are a semi-professional team in Mexico which is a huge opportunity to play in bigger teams  I want to thank my parents who really had a lot to do with this. They always supported me through my decisions. I also want to thank my high school coach Josh Kopp, he really pushed me to fight for anything I wanted. Finally I want to thank another one of my coaches who passed away about 3 years ago, he was like a dad for me and has coached me since I was tiny. He really believed in me and was always there to pick me up when nobody had trust. He is my inspiration to keep playing. After all that was said I am off to Mexico next week and will be training for the official start of the season in January. "

Congratulations Danna!!!