Students thumbs up at a table having a snack

5th graders assumed a variety of jobs and everyday financial tasks at Biztown
The week of May 22 marked the culmination of a 4-6 week financial literacy program for fifth grade students at North Branch Area Public Schools' Sunrise River School, who attended simulation day at Junior Achievement's Biztown (
Throughout the last month, students participated in a curriculum that included lessons about the economy, supply and demand, resume building, job applications, as well as the importance of teamwork. In addition, each student opened a checking/savings account, debit card, and was hired for a job.  
On simulation day at Biztown, students were required to work two shifts, deposit paychecks, and spend time interacting with neighborhood businesses.  Some examples of student jobs include CEO of Cargill, CFO of United Healthcare, public safety officer, construction foreman, insurance agent, and city accountant.  
Junior Achievement recently completed a large renovation and moved to a larger site able to accommodate larger groups. Students and staff participated in the simulation day with a business-like attitude, and were very successful in the day's work. See more photos below: